
Rental terms

Total area 19 588.00 m2
Price 2 500 000 PLN
Price per sqm 128 PLN
TAX b.d.
Mortgage Nie
Destiny industrial, Services

Investment plot for sale - Strobów

For sale, investment land with great potential, located in the village of Strobow, Skierniewice Municipality.

The property is located in an attractive location, intended for production and service areas, with the possibility of developing accompanying and isolating green space. The land offers the spaciousness to build the necessary accesses, accesses and parking lots, making it an excellent choice for investors planning manufacturing or service activities.
The value of this property is highlighted by its accessibility and location, ideal for the development of various business projects.

Basic data about the investment land:

  • Location: Lodz Province, Skierniewicki County, Skierniewice Municipality, Strobow town,
  • Plot ID (Territory): 101508_2.0021,
  • Shape: irregular - plot consisting of two adjacent rectangles (in one corner a rectangle separated by the municipality),
  • Soil classes: RIVb, RV,
  • Media: water, electricity and Internet on the road,
  • Power - when determining the energy needs for individual objects, the indicator power requirements for one single-family residential building - 13.2 kW, commercial premises - 10 kW, while for service objects - according to individual requirements depending on the industry and technology,
  • Capacity: is, no encumbrance,
  • Pending administrative proceedings: none,
  • Access to public transport: bus,
  • Access: communal road,
  • Type of road: asphalt.

Planning status:

  • MPZP Resolution No. XIX/126/04 OF THE COUNCIL OF GMINA IN SKIERNIEWICH dated October 27, 2004,
  • Designation in the plan "1PU",
  • Purpose: production and service areas with accompanying and isolating greenery, as well as necessary accesses, access roads and parking lots,
  • Permitted: location of technical infrastructure facilities, installations and networks in accordance with special regulations.

Organized investment activity indicated.


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Offer supervisor

Alina Orłowska

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