Działka inwestycyjna na sprzedaż blisko centrum


Rental terms

Total area 1 542.00 m2
Price 600 000 PLN
Price per sqm 389 PLN
TAX b.d.
Mortgage Nie
Destiny Single-family housing (house), industrial, Services

Investment plot for sale - Skierniewice

Investment land for sale located in Skierniewice, on Zwierzyniecka Street, close to the production park and the center of Skierniewice.

There are two buildings on the plot (a house and a garage with technical rooms) for comprehensive renovation or demolition. The property is currently unoccupied.

Basic data about the investment land:

  • Location: Lodz Province, Skierniewice County, Skierniewice city,
  • Plot ID (Territory): 106301_1.0008,
  • Soil Classes: RIVb, B, Lzr/PsIV, Lzr/RIVb,
  • Land Register: there is, no encumbrance,
  • Road Category: municipal,
  • Road Type: asphalt.

Building utilities:

  • Electricity PGE 220W and 360W,
  • Water and sewerage municipal water and sewerage (well and septic tank remain on the plot, but are excluded from use),
  • Gas municipal PGNiG in the residential building for 3 functions: 1). for heating the house, 2). for hot water and 3). for cooking on a gas stove with a gas oven, while in the outbuilding the traditional wood and coal kitchen remains.

Other installations:

  • Installation of a TV antenna with national and regional signals on a raised mast,
  • Telephony landline TP until recently operated in the building - it has now been disbanded,
  • Installation of a lightning protection system on a raised mast,
  • Installation of an intercom system at the entrance gate to the property.

Planning status:

  • MZPZ Resolution No. 83/97/36 of the City Council of Skierniewice dated September 30, 1997,
  • Designation in the plan "8.20.MN.UP" and 8.18.KZ",
  • Purpose of the area "8.20.MN.UP": residential development and production service development,
  • Permissible designation: realization of buildings with a service and production function as accompanying residential development, service and production facilities and equipment with a nuisance which does not exceed the property boundaries,
  • Number of storeys: residential and residential-service buildings - 3, service and utility buildings - 2,
  • Purpose of area "8.18.KZ": communication areas.

A municipal road 8.18 KZ is planned through the middle of the plot.


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Offer supervisor

Alina Orłowska

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