Warehouse for rent Centrum Wolnocłowe Wschód Zachód

Mazowieckie, żyrardowski, Mszczonów, ul. Fabryczna

Basic informations

Existing 6 000.00 m2
Under development 0.00 m2
Planned 0.00 m2
Rent price ASK

Free area

Up to 1 month ASK
Up to 3 months ASK
Over 3 months ASK
Min module 1 000.00 m2
Minimum rental period 3 years

Centrum Wolnocłów Wsch & oacute; d Zach & oacute; d offers warehouse space in the Free Customs Area.

Available parking spaces for cars and trucks.

In CWZZ there are also warehouses for domestic goods.

A free customs area in Mszczonów is the only such Customs Area located in the center of Poland, which was established under Regulations of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Poland. It allows entrepreneurs to take advantage of special concessions and exemptions in customs and tax charges.

The area where the investment is located is fenced, an additional advantage is the constant presence of customs and tax officers with the right to perform customs clearance.

Warehouse Centrum Wolnocłowe Wschód Zachód - location

  • Autostrada A2: 100 m
  • Droga ekspresowa S8: 100 m
  • Warszawa: 40 km

An isochrone is marked on the map, showing the range / commute time at a certain time. You can change your commute time and choose a different means of transportation to see new ranges. To check the range and route of your commute, use the search engine below.


Warehouse area Min module Check availability


Magazyn krajowy
Total area sqm 1 000 m2
Status: Existing
Stacking height: b.d.
Column grid: b.d.
Floor loading: b.d.
Railway siding
Magazyn na terenie Wolnego Obszaru Celnego
Total area sqm 5 000 m2
Status: Existing
Stacking height: b.d.
Column grid: b.d.
Floor loading: b.d.
Railway siding
Paweł Rąbkowski

Consultant, Office Department

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If you are interested in renting space in the Centrum Wolnocłowe Wschód Zachód warehouse building, please fill in the short form below. The agent in charge of that building will contact you as soon as possible and provide you with specific rental conditions and informations about similar buildings.


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Free area sqm ASK
Min module sqm ASK
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Free area sqm 31 211 m2
Min module sqm od 10 000 m2
Good Point Żabia Wola
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Total area sqm 56 900 m2
Free area sqm 56 900 m2
Min module sqm ASK